Thursday, January 31, 2008

My New Profession: Flasher Extraordinaire

I enjoy being friendly, I must say, sometimes its a curse. So, I was leaving the gym today and as I rounded the courner the girl that sits at the dest started talking to me. We had a nice little chat (as we usually do), and then as I departed I waved to her. Now, this was not your normal wave, for as my hand moved from my side up to my head level, one of my fingers caught on the bottom of my top. As I proceeded to lift my hand, my shirt came with it. There you have it, I flashed most of the people that hang out it the nearby area, which happens to be the one of the cafeteria areas. Good thing I was: a) wearing a bra and b) wearing my best slutty bra. Eat yer heart out boys (and girls, I'm not judging)!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Wind Beneath My Coffee Cup

Yeah, so, today has not been the best day. I was elated with my decision to sleep in, so I stayed up a bit late last night taking care of necessities (ie. ensuring I had clean underwear for today). Little did I know, however, that my WonderPup had other plans for me. At about 8:30 (aka, the butt-crack of dawn), WP started whining next to the door which he kindly interspersed with the occasional scratching on the door. After about 20 minutes of that I decided that it was time to take the poor bastard out.

Yes, its going to be a good day. So, I ended up getting to school later than I wanted to (which is a mystery as I got such an early start to the day) but I was still compelled to go to the gym. But of course the parking garage was full. Let's chat for a minute about the parking at GT. It sucks. There are approximately 70-80 spots in the parking garage for students, and that costs $6.75 a day. However, if you arrive at school prior to 7:00am (which I am remiss to say I normally do) you can get in for free (assuming they don't ticket you for overnight parking, trust me, it happens). If you do not arrive prior to 8:30am the lot is full and will stay that way until around 4:00. Now, it is free to park after 5:00, but if you get there at 4:45, have no fear, they will still charge you the $6.75. Assuming you do not arrive prior to 8:30, you have to scavenger for metered parking. There is one street that has 4 hour meters, all the others are only two hour meters. And you can just forget about "feeding" your meter, if you are there for more than 2 hours, you will get a ticket, regardless as to how much time is left on your meter. AND, crazily enough, if your meter expires and you get a ticket for that and then you don't move your car (I mean, why should I move it or even feed the meter I already got a ticket), they will indeed give you ANOTHER ticket for exceeding the maximum allowable time in the spot.

Ok, back to my story, I got to school around noon (if you read the above paragraph, I think we can all agree that the lot was full). So, I proceeded to look for a metered spot, I check the 4 hour ones first for obvious reasons, I'm lazy. Of course none were available, but by some miracle, I did find a spot in a 2 hour meter after only 10-15 minutes of searching. Oh yeah, I have no change. CRAP. No worries, there is a Starbucks nearby. I decided to get some coffee, even though I didn't want to cuz I was gonna work out. I got my drink and asked for a couple of dollars in quarters. I returned to my vehicle, placed my coffee on the hood of my car and went to deal with the meter. I believe I neglected to mention the wind. Yup, wind advisory this morning. So, my coffee promptly blew to the ground and spilled everywhere.

I am happy and proud to announce that I did not cry. I merely picked up the cup and threw it away (I mean all I needed was a ticket for littering or something). I went to the gym, which was uneventful and then went to move my car, of course. This time I had to drive around for 45 minutes until a metered spot became available. At this point I almost did cry cuz I was starvin' man!

So, that was my frustrating morning. And to top it all off, I got the last of my grades in and I am so disappointed I don't even know what to say about it.

Hope you all are doing well, sorry about the rambling!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ole One Eye

**Caution, this post contains disgusting and graphic images**
Ok, so, if you read my last post you know that last week I was voting from my toes for over 12 hours. Let me tell you, throwing up every 45 minutes for 12 hours straight can certainly take a toll on the body. As a result of the extreme pressure and the massive amount of time I spent chucking my cookies, I suffered from a subconjunctival hemorrhage. This is a medical term for a broken blood vessel in the eye. It doesn't normally cause pain (although mine has been slightly painful), it really just feels like my eye is really tired. But, it looks freakin' nasty. I took some fine pictures of it so you all could see. Someone at school today said she couldn't even stand to look at me :(. I must say it kinda sucks cuz people give me wierd looks. Luckily it should clear up in a few days. Enjoy the pics!


Sorry about the quality, I took them with my phone.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Just Me, embarrassing myself again

Again, apologies for the long break.

Ok, so the last 24 hours have not been my finest. I was in the library studying last night when I discovered that I had contracted the flu that my roommate had suffered from earlier in the week. Let me just say, vomiting in the public stalls at the library was no way to start an evening. I decided it was probably best that I call it a night. I got home at around ten last night and proceeded to throw up approximately every 45 minutes until around 5 or 6 this morning. I am delighted to report that I did not have the kind of flu where you throw up AND crap yourself all at once. I am, however, remiss to say that I did piss myself several times during the hurling process. I guess today is laundry day.

So, what does all that have to do with me embarrassing myself, you might ask? Well, it goes like this. I was in such a hurry to get home last night that I ended up leaving some things at school. I traversed back to school with the intention of picking up my belongings and maybe doing a little studying for the final I have tomorrow. (The final is for a class I took over break). So, here I am sitting in the "reading room" of the library, it is VERY quiet in here. I decided to listen to some music as I study. Luckily I chose one of my favorite opera pieces instead of some rap tune. I put my headphone on, plugged them into the computer and started jamming out. Unfortunately, I couldn't hear it very well, so I turned the volume up. Still, it sounded distant and muffled, so I turned it up more. It was then, that my friend next to me took off his headphones, looked at me curiously, and pointed to my headphone/computer connection. Apparently, my headphones were not all the way plugged in and I was treating the rest of the library to my music. Needless to say, after I plugged the ear phones in properly, I had to turn the volume down significantly. Yup, I embarrassed.