Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Really? You're Joking Right?!?!

Alrighty, so this world is a strange place, I understand that. But, today, two things in particular had me scratching my head.

First, Happy Straw Wrapper Appreciation Day to everyone. Yup, that's right, its Straw Wrapper Appreciation Day today. Beside the fact that I find this absolutely wonderful, I also find this a little odd. First and foremost, this special day for our paper (and sometimes plasic, thanks Subway) friend could not have come at a better time. If you read my previous post you have realized that I have a special fondness for the straw wrapper and can even cause a little trouble with them. There was nothing better this morning than driving into the city listening to the DJ on the radio express his appreciation for the straw wrapper and encourage us all to remember the times of joy those little guys have given to us. I do heart the straw wrapper.

Now, having said that, who in their right mind declares these days to even exist!?!? Seriously, Straw Wrapper Appreciation Day (hereinafter SWAD, I'm getting tired of typing it)? I admit that I am all for SWAD, but it is only a matter of time before we are celebrating something totally benign, like say... Happy Toothpaste Cap Day! or maybe, Happy Batteries From my TV Remote Control Day! Now, no one is denying that these things are great and albeit important, but who decides what items/people/relationships/historical events get a day?

I hope everyone took advantage of this special day, Happy SWAD everyone!

Secondly, and almost even more disturbing. I went on a tour of the White House today. It was pretty cool even though they only let you on the first 2 floors. Which means, basically, if you ask me if I saw anything that you would want to see the answer is no. I essentially saw all the color rooms, you know, the red room, blue room, green room, etc. I actually liked it cuz I was struck with this crazy realization while I was there and all of a sudden everything I had learned about the presidents became so real. Like they existed because I was somewhere where they had been. I realize I should have known this before, but it was just really ... cool? Now, on with the disturbing part. The White House Vistor Center is a few blocks away (or several blocks away if I am leading the pack, sorry for not listening to you Matty). After (finally) making it to the vistor center, the most interesting things that happened to me occured, where else? The bathroom.

Number 1: This is not really what I was going to talk about, but since I found it revolting, I might as well throw it out there. So, you know how sometimes when you flush those high powered toilets some of the water splashes back up? Normally not a problem, as long as you are away from the can at the time. However, lets just say you flush the toilet and then bend over to get some TP with which to blow your nose (as the freaking cold wind has turned it into a faucet), what do you think would happen? That's right boys and girls, the water splashes up and hits you in the face. I was not pleased.

Number 2: The disturbing part: After getting my face washed by the head, I went to wash my hands and of course dry them (lest they freeze and chip off once I get back outside). Sidenote: I understand that there are environmental reasons at work here, but bathrooms that only have hand dryers and no paper towels really irritate me. And that brings me to my point. Please view the picture of the hand dryer that I took in the White House Visitor Center's women's room:

Granted, it is not a good picture. But, trust me here, its a hand dryer. EXCEPT, the label on it says: Jetair Ultimate: Hand/Hair Dryer. Hmmm. Hair Dryer? Really? I imagine that is irrelevant that it took me about five minutes to get my hands from saturated to merely clammy, and that there is no telling how long it would take someone to dry their hair with this bad boy. BUT, more importantly, is this something we really want to be promoting? Public hair drying? Maybe it is really a face dryer for those of us that are unfortunate enough to bend over in front of the commode at the wrong time? I must say, I was quite baffeled by this.

Good Night everyone!

Happy Hump Day for tomorrow, lets really appreciate it!


Anonymous said...

you never cease to make me seriously laugh my ass off!! Thanks for the laughs!

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that read the phrase "Public hair drying" as "Pubic hair drying"? Yes? Oh, well then...

Sam said...

Pubic hair drying is not to be conducted in public.

Where'd you go, T-star?