Friday, November 9, 2007

Punkin Chunkin 2007

Last Sunday I went to the World Championship Punkin Chunkin. What's this?, you might ask, a crazy pumpkin catapulting competition created by hicks? Yep, that's right!! It was really pretty cool. Some friends and I drove out to Delaware (because they don't do things like this in respectable states) and enjoyed the festivities. Really it is a contest to see who can shoot the pumpkin the farthest. There is a cannon competition and a catapult competition. Enjoy the pictures. Also, check out the website for a count down til next year's CHUNK! (

Pumpkin Canons!

A Pumpkin Catapult!!

An ill fated little guy...


Sam said...

Maine should use their potato guns (from ME) to shoot the pumpkins out of midair in Delaware.

That'd be friggin' SWEET.

Anonymous said...

Ya gotta love a state that has potato guns!!!

Clearly this is yet another commentary on our times....