Sunday, December 30, 2007


Hello my dear cyber-friends! I offer my profuse apologies to you all for my extended absence. In the past couple of weeks I have been finishing up my first semester here at GT and enjoying my first week of winter break. Finals were crazy and led all the way up to the Friday before Christmas. Now that's just unfair.

Now, I wish to speak to you all about a sorrow that is close to my heart. Football season is almost over. These words are difficult for me to even utter out loud but I understand that if I don't start preparing for it I will be a complete mess when the Superbowl comes and goes. Why does football season have to end? And don't try to assure with lame substitutions like arena football. Arena football is a crock! Ok, I think I just needed to get that out, thanks for listening.

Alrighty, so I will try to be better about updating the ole blog. Soon to come are some pics that I took when I showed my mom around DC.

Happy New Year to all!

1 comment:

~Babychaser~ said...

It has just occured to me that perhaps you have not posted again because no one commented on this post! I am so very sorry for your coming loss (football season) and hope you can find something (like studying or calling your sister) to tide you over until the fall. :)